Columbia Heights High School

About the project
Columbia Heights High School has recently gone through a remodel/renovation with additional hallways, classrooms, and a brand new gymnasium. Sun Control was tasked with enhancing the school's athletic facilities and create a cohesive and visually appealing environment.
With the brand new gym completed, it was up to us to bring some life to the entrances and interior. We know school spirit heavily relies on the sports programs, so Megan, our in-house designer. created a visually appealing design that showcases the school in the bleachers cheering for their team. Our installers Rick and Meng brought the design to life, installing on both the interior and exterior. We didn't end it there however, we also put the competing school logos across the gymnasium wall to bring the design together.
With the athletic departments, we went with a similar approach. We used the same vinyl material, but with a design unique to each sport. We know teams eprform better when they feel positive around their environment. With the design, we help build the school spirit and encourage the team to succeed.
Lastly with the interior, we installed spot graphics and perforated film in the hallways. The staircases have the school logo covering a majority of the wall, and the office windows by the entrence have the school acronym CHHS against it, so from a distance you can see the school name, but from inside you can see people walking by clearly.
On the exterior, we went ahead and installed the school mascot name across the pillars, which turned a bland entrance into a dynamic view.
Here are the products that were used to bring this vision to life
Perforated Film: 3M IJ67
Standard Print Vinyl: 3M IJ180
Specialty Adhesive: 3M Envision LX400 & LX480
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