Will Window Film Kill My Plants?

We get this question a lot! Homeowners love their houseplants, and the thought of window film harming them is concerning.
The good news is, in pretty much all cases, window film won't kill or hurt your plants.
If you want to know the science behind it, or just need the added reassurance, stick around!
Photosynthesis 101

Plants need light to survive, pretty much the first thing we learn about in Biology.
Photosynthesis is the process plants use to convert light energy into chemical energy in the forms of sugar. The key players in this process are sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, and chlorophyll.

Quick summary of the process, the chlorophyll captures the light energy, which is used to split the water molecules, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. The energy is then used to convert carbon dioxide into glucose.
Biology lesson over!
Window film won’t affect any of these attributes but one and you guessed it - sunlight. But it may not be a bad thing. Let me explain why:
Why Won’t Window Film Affect My Plants? And Is It Actually Better?

As we established, plants need sunlight in order to go through photosynthesis. But not all sunlight is important for the plants.
Plants primarily use visible light for photosynthesis, and (normally) window films don’t filter out the red and blue light that plants need to grow. And if you’re concerned about the UV rays that window film does filter out, fun fact, plants don’t really use up Ultraviolet light, and in most cases cutting down the UV rays can actually protect your plants and keep them growing healthy. Even IR Light isn’t needed for plants, and reducing the heat the plants feel can also protect them.
So all the benefits of window film aren’t just for you - they’re for your plants too!
What are the benefits of Window Film?
Window film is designed to control solar energy. Different films offer varying degrees of UV and IR rejection while allowing visible light to pass through. This means:
- There’s reduced UV Damage to your furnishing, plants, and your skin. By reducing UV Rays by 99%, you won’t have to worry about your furniture fading soon & you’re protecting yourself from skin related issues caused by UV.
- By reducing IR light, window film helps maintain a more stable temperature for your home, creating a much more comfortable environment.
- This one is really just for you, but you’re also cutting down the glare coming into your home, so your view gets enhanced whether you’re looking out, or looking at the TV that is directly in front of a window.
Window Film Benefits for Plants:
So focusing back on the plants, window film is actually great for the following homes / plant types:
- Sun-sensitive plants: If you have plants that are prone to scorching or prefer shadier conditions, window film can create a more suitable environment.
- South-facing windows: These windows receive the most intense sunlight, which can be overwhelming for some plants. Window film can help diffuse the light and reduce heat.
Some Important Considerations:
- Plant type: Different plants have different light requirements. Observe your plants and adjust their placement as needed, even with window film.
- Film type: Not all window films are created equal. Talk to the experts at Sun Control of Minnesota to choose the right film for your needs and the needs of your plants.
So a TL’DR - Window film is unlikely to kill your plants. In fact, by controlling UV light and heat, it can contribute to a healthier growing environment. If you're concerned about your plants, contact Sun Control of Minnesota. We can help you select the perfect window film to keep your home comfortable and your plants thriving.